Sunday, September 11, 2011

For Sir G

This past week's been a strange week. Long tests. The final FLC (fuck yeah). Post Ilocos field trip. Which reminds me. I haven't blogged about a lot of things I should have been blogging about. The top of that list would have to be the death of my high school art teacher.

He was Mr. Carreon. My class and I called him Sir G. He was awesome. Always fashionable. Extremely friendly. Always happy to see you. He was a friend more than a teacher. But he was still a damn good one. He taught us all about art and what we should expect from art. The last time we talked was early during my first year of college. Back then I used to walk to school using Murphy's walk to go through the high school on my to the college. I bumped into him near the APSA. I think I was gonna ask Sir Sandy at the APSA if I could still get a Murphy's walk pass. (Just goes to show how high school minded I was up 'til then. Also, if you pass at Murphy's walk, you'll only ever need the pass once in your entire stay. Nobody ever watches that entrance into Ateneo except when opening or closing it.) So Sir G and I chatted a bit. I remember him complimenting me on my nice shoes. The black ones with the green, yellow and red stripes. My everyday shoes. It was really nice to hear that from him especially since he was the perfect model of a fashionable dude. We also talked about the stupid misprint on my I.D. It said School of Social Sciences and Engeneering. Sir G was like "Ateneo de Manila ba 'to?!" And I was like, "I know right".

It was really sad to lose him. To never have a chance to talk to him again. Talk about that Mideo Cruz exhibit. See what he thought about it. Analyze that shit. But I guess the smallest silver lining in all this is that whatever he taught and all the memories that we have of him will stay with us. In that way I guess he's never gone. We'll always remember him.

I talked to Aimee about this the night after we found out about his passing away. Everything is a memory. At least to us it is. It's a concept I remember discussing in Mr. Devilles' Filipino class. Anyways, everything is a memory. That's what ties together what happened and what happens today. So, even though someone dies. We still remember who they are and what they were to us. It's not a perfect way of looking at things. It's no replacement for actually having him back but at least we can reflect on how these people change us and make us who we are.

So there.

That's most of what I wanna say for Sir G.

Thank you, Sir. You changed me in a lot of ways. I'll always remember you.