Friday, December 23, 2011

Rushed Birthday Blog! +buko juice +skyrim +reminiscing +thanks :)

This will be the last blogpost I'll be making for my 19th year of life. WOOHOO. It's gonna be rushed because I only remembered to do this now. For some reason... Maybe I'm less gay now~

Sipping on a San Mig Light. Listening to Genki Sudo. 


So what has transpired this past year...

Lots of changes. I guess. You can see that for yourself a little bit in my past entries. Yeah. I remember thinking back and thinking about how little I knew about myself. I felt like a misfit and I didn't know my place in the world. Everyone would tell me where I belonged but that was a load of bullshit. Nobody can ever tell you what you are. Neither can you. You need time and experience to really say who you are. You need to be tested. And I came up with that just now.

Thinking about that. I remember the cool stuff I did. The stuff I'm proud of. Then I remember my fuck ups. I had a lot. Whatever though. Learning process. That's life. Sigh.

More Genki Sudo.

Today, I feel glad about who I am. In spite of all the faults. Maybe in the future I can correct those faults.

Yeah. Less reflection now.

We just came from Batangas with Tito Mak, Tita Baby and Misato. It was pretty okay. I didn't get to sleep much though cause of the mattress which was still wrapped in plastic. :| and the pillows that felt like rubber. :| yeahhh. Sleeping there is hell. And to top it all off...gindara... Never eat that when you're planning to leave the house and you don't like outside toilets...

I did get to consume a LOT  OF COCONUTS. I had buko juice. As much as I wanted. More than I wanted. Just last night I drank and entire pitcher of buko juice. Delicious. Also, I finally got to try the so-called "puwet ng niyog". It's sort of this ball of spongy material that forms in the center of a very mature coconut (niyog). It was like eating the center of a makopa fruit. The inside was very very sweet and wet from the coconut juices. The bad thing about it was that it tasted old. Like lasang amag old. But it was still really good. Fascinating experience. I first saw this in an episode of survivor man. I was like... "He has ice cream in his coconut...?" Now, I AM survivor man.

Also, I got a laptop. Which is cool. I tried Skyrim. SO MANY OPTIONS. I keep collecting shit. It got to the point where I catch butterflies rather than kill dragons... And people in this game don't like it when you go into their houses uninvited. It's not like in Pokemon where you just walk in like it's your fucking house. These people chase after you and KILL YOU.

So. Time check. It's 11:17 pm. *Deep breaths* Yeah. Goodbye teen years. You were weird. Lots of exploration. Getting to know me. Meeting people. Falling in love. Falling out of love. Getting rejected. Getting hurt. Laughing my shit off. Getting in trouble. Losing my religion. Making good friends. Making real friends. Getting drunk. Failing Math. Loving Lit. Getting into college. Fighting people. Hating people. Forgetting people. Siiiiiiiigh. Growing up. Coconut Hell...

It reminds me of Blankets. It's all about growing up and coming to terms with what happened. It's accepting all that as part of what shaped me today. I'm gonna miss those years. All things considered.

"How satisfying it is to leave a mark on a blank surface. To make a map of my movement--no matter how temporary." -Craig Thompson, Blankets

Thank you, dear reader. :)