Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Birthday, Christmas and Dull New Years

So here's 2012. New year. New start. Eh.

I didn't feel it much this year. And my birthday was alright too but I didn't see anything life changing. My birthday dinner was spent in Manila Hotel. The place was greatly improved. But then... Eh. Haha. My grandma spent most of the night comparing this dinner to last years'. She loved Manila Peninsula. She worshiped the ham. In Manila Hotel, she was only content. I think they were being bitchez. The dinner was great. Yeah it was less extravagant than Manila Pen but who needs such big fancy dinners every year? Also, Manila Hotel food was already fancy as shit. Just outside you could see loads of people in the streets. Just outside the walls of the hotel. It was pretty gross to behold. The contrast I mean. Yeah. So that was my dinner.


I got a laptop.


It's a Lenovo Z470 and I think it's pretty neato already. I had help from my friends Leo and Albert with the picking. Now I have a sweet laptop with a cool metal airbrushed finish and accutype keyboard. +10 douche.

Oh technology. I hope I can put this thing to good use. ---> Microsoft Word


(goddamn karina is playing SD... I HATE SD!!!)

Also for this Christmas dinner we didn't have hard alcohol to get us wasted. Just lots of light beers. Which in hindsight, might not have been a good idea. Light beers are for casual drinking when you're watching sports and stuff. Harder alcohol for the party. Must take note of that. The rest of the night was pretty plain with the light beers. Hayyy. Yeah. But then, would drinking really have improved it? Maybe not. I think I get Jules when he said that drinking lost it's charms already. I remember in high school. Alcohol used to be this magical elixir that made you awesome and tasted like the sweat of the gods. You were hot shit when you were one of those party kids that went to open parties had lots of friends that were girls (a negative effect of being in an all boy school). I was thinking about this too when me, Aimee and Jules were walking around the high school during their Christmas party. Everyone looked like a little bitch. And I remembered that I was one just a few years ago.

Speaking of Christmas parties. Aimee and the rest of the block threw me a surprise birthday hobbit dance. It was fun. We had a cake. And we went on that walk around high school. It was nice. Aimee and I lied down on the grass and looked up at the stars. Maybe not that good an idea because grass is FUCKING ITCHY!!! But the stars were nice. Too bad it was too bright because of all the Christmas lights. Sigh. I already miss Christmas. Oh yeah. I also got a scrap comic book from the block. It was strange and funny. Some parts of it weren't even part of a story or even illustrated as a comic (MAYE AND HER SMILEYS WHICH WERE JUST SMILEYS). I'm not complaining. It's a real honest birthday gift and I'm happy someone gave me something so unique and thoughtful.

I'll probably write a second blog about now being 20 years old.

Back to Christmas.

It was so fast. I didn't even get celebrate it properly. Yeah. If there's one thing I should take from this is that I should not let opportunities fly by. Like the block outings. I missed out and I have nothing to show for to say that I didn't go for a good reason. Dammit Rap.

New Year.

Plain and boring. Yeahhhh. What happened to us? It became plain and boring. I missed the thrill of fireworks. I know that I said that no fireworks would be cool because it's a waste of money... But not having anything to do on New Years eve is WORSE. We just watched fireworks. Which were a lot. But you couldn't get a good view. Sigh. I didn't even get a good picture. The one from last year was the best. I  totally should get a Pulitzer prize for my photo. Sigh. Nothing. Not anything. Kind of a quiet and sad start to the year.

I did however still play Auld Lang Syne.