Monday, September 10, 2012

RiB, Breaking Bad and Tears for Fears


Blogger looks different. Nice change.

It's been how many months since I posted so I'll have trouble covering everything that was missed.

I'll just go ahead and break this blog into sections so that it's easier for me to list everything down.

Joining RiB

My swaggiest pose to date

As part of my efforts to expand my horizons and gain newer perspectives, I decided to join RiB. It seemed like a pretty cool thing to do since this contest was totally a big deal in school. Last year, people were all raving about how cool the Dollhouse was during their performance. I saw the video myself and it was pretty good. Very bold and funny.

When I told Aimee about this she was all, "Woah! Cool!" Little did I know that she was secretly betting on me to quit. (Thanks, Aims. And for that matter, thanks, Deo.) To be fair, I almost didn't push through just as they had planned. I thought that I was going to be too busy to keep up with the practices. A lot of them would run all the way to late at night. Sometimes ending at around 10 pm everyday. The fact that I didn't quit was mostly thanks to the team's friendliness and willingness to put up with a noob like me.

Yes. I was very very nooby.

When I first started out, I was totally lost. I thought that everybody was like a pro and I was totally bringing the team down. Somehow though, I managed to get the moves and I could follow. I even carved out a reputation for myself as being particularly good in the... expressive moves.

We didn't get past the eliminations which isn't too bad. On the plus side, it means that I don't need to keep on coming home late for practices. Also, it's okay because I already learned a lot along the way. I learned that I'm not the best dancer in the world but I can be pretty decent if I practice enough. I learned that it's alright to leave your comfort zone because you'll always find something new and awesome to learn about. I learned that parking late at night in a dark corner of the road is always gonna fucking scare the shit out of me. I also learned that I fucking need a GPS for finding far away unknown dance studios.

All in all, it was a great experience. I'm glad that I made the decision to join. I'm glad that Santi, our team captain, was so cool and let me join even after missing the first few practice sessions. Yeah.

Here's the video.

Werk dat shit.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad is the best fucking show ever. Everything about that show is amazing. The evolution of the characters. The drama. The action. The suspense. The amazing montages accompanied with great music. Damn damn damn damn damn.

It is so good, I actually made fan art. Fan art that I probably won't share here.

The reason I did that was because of a certain someone that's good at art and everything else. So I figured that I'd give it a shot too... Yeah.. Nevermind.

Tears for Fears

A few weeks ago, maybe even a month ago, Aimee and I went to watch Tears for Fears! Woohoo!!! My dad's friend gave my dad the tickets and he gave them to me since concerts weren't really his kind of scene. I'm into oldies most of the time so I was pretty excited about the concert. I didn't know a lot of their songs though. The only ones I could remember were "Shout" and "Mad World". After that, they were totally unknown to me.

A big part of the memorableness of the whole thing was the fact that I drove to Araneta myself. If you've been to Araneta during a concert or during an Ateneo-Lasalle game, then you'd know that it is extremely congested going there and finding parking is next to impossible. Finding the place was hard enough. Thank god Aimee had a GPS on her phone!!!

Luckily though, after many trips around the malls at Araneta, we found parking near a well-lit condo unit. The parking was god-sent. I was afraid that I'd have to park in a dark alley putting my life and my innocence at risk. Phew!

We got to the concert in time for the first few acts. We missed Fra Lippo Lippi's performance as the opening act. Eh. No big.

I remember finding the door to the stage itself right next to the men's washroom. If I was so inclined, I could have snuck into the concert and jumped on stage. I would have probably been tazed the shit out of myself though. So I stayed put.

Aimee and I got in just in time for another opening performance. This time it was Carina Round. She sang songs on her guitar and somehow, she managed to sound really modern. She had that style that Aimee was really into. I think. She was great. She even taught us the chorus of her song for us to singalong to... The chorus was not that well-written... But whatever.

Then came the show.

Carina Round center stage.

Tears for Fears

People waving around their Globe light sticks while watching Tears for Fears

I remember before the concert, Aimee and I were wondering how we were supposed to rock out to Tears for Fears since they were a nu-wave band and not the traditional rock band. We did get to do that though. For some songs. The other ones were too nu-wave.

Also, when the concert first started, we were really full of energy. Towards the middle, we were about to fall asleep or at least I was. It's like they have a like a trillion songs!!! Man!!!

Anyways, the entire concert was really great. It was a great experience. I'm really glad my dad gave me those tickets. I'm also happy that Aimee agreed to come with me. It was a great night.