Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Late night blogging while there is a long test

Hello blog. Long time no see.

Lots of stuff happened and I don't feel like doing a recap. It was a lot. Which is why it might be worthwhile to invest in a camera. Just so I can document my life. Jules seems to have taken to using his phone to capture precious moments with out classmates. It's pretty cool actually. Not like the steadycab experiment though. -__-
Woah. Hey. Hope this isn't classified as basagan ng trip. Powerhungry motherfucker.

That was a reference to a recent hacking done on a blog that revealed lots of personal shit about people and criticized stuff at school. Crystal Eagle of course.Well she's dead now. She was hacked by this dude that was so proud of what he did. I'm not saying that what Crystal Eagle did was right. But then if we just resort to blackmail everytime someone just says something you don't like what are we then? As Frank Reynolds put it: "That sounds like it came straight from Stalin's ass."

If I were a tech company about to go into a deal with a person who has a track record like that, I'd certainly think twice about doing business with him.

Anyways,the year is almost over. I've gained even more weight. Cultivating mass so to speak. Which is cool. Studies show that men feel better about gaining weight than women. Apparently us fat guys grow into our bodies. Women just get bombarded by so much pressure to lose weight that they almost always feel bad about weight gain.

"Good... No fat chicks." -Anonymous

So here I am. Middle of the night. Long test tomorrow. It's a doozy too. Leadership and Strategy. Man. I wanna go on vacation already. Palawan here I come.

Oh yeah. I've been having pretty cool dreams recently. Very vivid ones. With lots of detail. The architecture of the stuff there was pretty impressive too. It made me consider getting a dream journal but those sound kind of dumb. I highly doubt that idea that says that you can analyze my dreams and help me understand my inner subconscious. Dreams are weird and most of the time mean nothing. Passing through the gates of Ivory.

The latest and most interesting thing is that I have appeared to made a Dutch friend. Hi Jorinde! She's cool. The Netherlands is cool. Wish I could go there and... do cool shit there. Also, I'm looking into how to be a volunteer for Amnesty International though I do not know what volunteers actually do. The first time I heard about it was watching a video Jeremy Irons did for them about the death penalty being wrong. Something I agree with.

I'll go post a few pics now. Just to show thanks to my one or two readers.
Mico during the shoot of the TD music video holding up a doodle he made.

Very surreal.

My little brother showing of a cool ass painting he did.

Vain mofo.

Albert using binoculars because he sits in the back row.

My mom ate these when she was pregnant with me. Hence my name. I am made of creamy coconut candy.

First hammock.

Fruits. :D

Earwigs are really really really really cool.

Karl shaving his head to be one with cancer patient kids.

Now holding his famous hair.

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