Sunday, April 7, 2013

Singapore 2: Night Safari

The evening after the City Tour, we were set for a Night Safari Tour. We rode a bus on the way to the place and the tour guide briefed us as to what would be happening. He was another Indian guy who had a very dramatic speaking voice. It was dramatic in the cheesy corny kind of way. He went like, "When I went on the Night Safari, the tapirs were so cute! But if you reach out and touch them, I'm afraid that your fingers will be... (hushed voice) missing in action..."

When we got to the place, we first had a buffet dinner which was part of the package deal. I stuffed myself with the tiny baby octopuses, naan bread and strawberries.

This is what the place looked like. Also, you can't see them very well but there were tons of Australians here.
A cool thing about this place was the bathroom. You'd open the door into the bathroom and find that it the lights were off. Step inside and the lights would magically come on! I was so impressed by this that I actually took a video of the lights coming on as I walked into the room. All the while I was thinking it sure would have been funny if someone were to walk in and see me taking a video of the lights? It just so happened that someone did and I had to quickly make my exit.

Even in Singapore, I'm a noob.

We left the buffet to go to the tour and we were greeted by a long line of safari-goers. Just then, Gabriel decided that it would be a great time to begin to whine about wanting to go home and about how he was so tired already. God, you can always count on this little guy to make a vacation difficult.

After much waiting in the hot humid line, we made it to the tram and as soon as we found our seats, we were off. The tram itself was a long series of cars connected together. The only protection we had was a roof over our heads, the rest of the thing was open air. Somewhat disappointingly, safety wasn't an issue though since the animals weren't free to roam around as I had previously imagined. Their areas were designed with water surrounding the enclosure or deep ditches on all sides for animals that were afraid of heights. Only the tiger pen had a full on glass divider between the tram and its enclosure, a testament to this animal not giving a fuck about heights or water.

The night safari itself was pretty cool. We got to see some Asiatic Lions and the much more majestic African Lions. I think my favorite animal was the Indian Rhino. It looked so powerful and the thick skin folds on its body made it look so impenetrable. I don't think even full-grown tigers would wanna mess this this guy.

Taken fron Wikipedia

It looks like it's wearing ass armor!
I also like hippos because they're so badass and they're the closest living relative of whales!
That enough animals for now.

I'll talk about Universal Studios next time since it deserves a post all on its own.

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