Thursday, July 11, 2013

Last year of College: Loyola Mountaineers and my Mom

Good Lord... How did I get here?

The fact that I am actually called a senior and yet everything still seems to run at the same pace is concerning. Often times, I find myself doing things and then stopping to remind myself that this would be the last chance I'd ever have at trying to do something like this...

Real life is just around the corner...


I'd be more energetic in my cries of despair if I weren't so tired from my last 6km practice run for LM. Something I have neglected to update you guys on for some time now.

Yeah. This year, I've set myself up to have a meaningful last year. Actually, this year seems to be all about my LM (Loyola Mountaineers) application. Yes. LM application. I've been trying to get into that org for 2 years now but I've always discontinued application or quit open climbs because of several reasons. The first was plain physical fitness. Joining LM means being super fit and takes a lot of time and effort to train. The first time I tried a 6km run was during the actual test itself on my second year. Before that I had never run so far in my life. By the time I finished, I was just concentrating all my efforts in trying not to shit my pants. That's why for this year's application I've invested a lot of time and energy for training and I like to think that I'm doing pretty good for myself.

The second reason was the steep requirements that LM has for membership. Aside from being physically fit and mentally prepared, I need to have a lot of weekends sacrificed for LM activities. This was problematic because of the NSTP and JEEP requirements for 2nd and 3rd year. Those were uncuttable which meant that LM had to be dropped.

The second and without a doubt the most fearsome opponent to my application is my own mother. Woohoo! Lord knows that she and I have gone through many and episode and joining LM was just one of many things we did not agree with. I remember just a month ago at dinner, I was talking to my sister Toni about how I was applying to Loyola Mountaineers. Then she asks me if I even asked permission from my mom first. Puzzled, I told her that I didn't need to ask permission because she let me join when I was second year. Then she tells me that I should have asked first. Then I repeat what I told her and explain to her that I really didn't need to ask permission. Looking for approval from my mom, I turned my head to find her giving me a look that probably went like, "You better get what I mean already or I will drive my thumbs into your eyes!!!". As charming and endearing as I am I still proceed and tell her that I'm going to join Loyola Mountaineers. Then she goes, "Why don't you like to listen to me?"

And then I'm like this.

And she asked me that without even saying anything... Mothers...

Anyways, I am so fuckin' determined, I'm gonna push through anyway. One way or another, I'm gonna get there baby and there's nothing that's gonna stop me!

I've already been training for weeks now and I've made the 6km within the specified time limits multiple times. I'm gonna hit even bigger challenges when I start figuring out ways to tell my mom that I'll be gone for some weekends to go to the mountains. Wish me luck!

For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield


  1. Goodluck Rap! :)) Take my picture with you when you climb mountains! :)) So I can say that I was there too :> =)))) -Diane

  2. I'll laminate it and keep it in my shoe like Bear Grylls!
