Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I am noticing an ever increasing trend of me writing when I have nothing else to do.

Anyways, Valentines day just came and gone. This year's Valentines had much more emphasis than a lot of the previous Valentines days before. I wonder why...

I am not going to talk about the details of the day. Most of it would mean nothing to you. What I will write about is the conversation Bel and I chanced upon when we got back to our blockmates after obtaining some flowers (from Isko's secret garden).

The blockmates were in the middle of some heated argument about the meaning of Valentines day and why you have to have 1 day special. Someone said that you should just treat everyday as special as Valentines day. Jeth (correct me if I'm wrong) said that you need to have one day special to set them apart from the other days. Personally, I agree with Jeth.

It's like having your favorite dessert and spending everyday celebrating that you have that dessert without really enjoying it. You can say that being happy that you have the dessert is part of enjoying it but you never really eat it. The best part about having dessert is sinking your teeth in it and savoring the flavor. Not overthinking it. Just chew, swallow, digest. (I really hope you're following my logic) Similarly, love is like that. You can't spend everyday going apart from your daily routine to celebrate your love. You have to integrate that love into your day. Into the skip in your step. Into that extra millimeter added to the width of your smile as you laugh at some lame joke your blockmate says. Into the breath of fresh air after a long test. That's what love's about: living with it. Not what it's all about, mind you.

I hope I made some sense in what I said. It's just what I think anyway. Not all of what I think. Haha.

Anyways, for those of you who hate extra sweet couples on Valentines, here's a vid of the annual stoning of a disgustingly sweet couple.

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