Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ahh Sembreak


I'm barely even blogging anymore and the only time that I actually feel like talking about anything is when I have nobody to talk to and I have nothing to watch. I should stop always nagging about why I never blog regularly. It is quite gay.

So. I'll go all chronological. Sembreak began with a rather strange breakdown of emotions courtesy of a certain person I always hang around. Haha. You crazy person you. THEN the next day came. It promised to be quite an awesome day because my dear beloved blockmate, Jhalec, was treating the entire block to yet another smokeless grill buffet meal. This time a lunch. It was rather excellent. I fuckin' love sushi. I used to wish that I could have an entire fucking house built of sushi. Now I know that dream to be lie. My father would never approve. (sigh)

ALSO, it must be noted that it was during this day that I first parked into a mall carpark...BY MYSELF. OHSHIT. I'm a total faggot... WELL FUCK YOU TOO, DUDE!!!

Anyways, the food was excellent. And I spent a lot of the lunch time taking pictures like a fuckin' hipster. Totally sweet. Aimee, saw this and noticed that I quite intentionally took pictures of all the male crotches in the block. She said that if had collected all the pics that I've been taking and placed them into a single collage type of work I'd have a piece of art. Very pretentious (according to Jules) art... But still art.

That lunch was pretty sweet too cause it was then that I got the result of one of my biolab long tests. I got pretty good there. 49/60. Although, due to a correction, I should get 50. Fuck yeah bitch. Not that impressive...

So then after an interesting afternoon of monkeyshines and shenanigens. We had a drinking session at Albert's place. I'll sum it up by saying that Cobra Smart mixed with drinks is an excellent way to never want to drink the rest of the night due to the fucking headache you get from the fucking Cobra Smart. Banana flavoring = motherfucking nail polish. Piano Man is the greatest song to sing when you're drinking. Ever. EVER. EVER. Click it fool. And finally, beer is damn delicious and under-appreciated by the current youth (or just my block). *drinks ice-cold Coors Light* FUCKING DELICIOUS.

I grow tired of blogging about my fun times. I'll just remember them whimsically when they pop back in my head.

I'd just like to share just one more thing that I thought about just yesterday. It has something to do with the pic below.

Well, my point really more has to do with the actual thing. The picture does no justice to the actual thing.

This is a shot I took with my phone of the sun set at Taal Lake. We just came from Tagaytay a few hours ago. For the first time that we've been there we decided to take a boat to see the volcano itself. It was cool. The trip back was the chillest thing ever. All I could see was just wide open space. You could see some lake birds flying by the boat. The sky was painted with different colors. Everything was just so wide and beautiful. The silence. The splash of the water by the side of the boat. The colors in the sky. The clouds. The way patches of the sky remained blue while other parts turned orange. It was just so amazing. I felt like I was just a dude again. That being a reference to the time during the Ilocos fieldtrip where I told Nica that I felt like "just a dude in the world" as I looked out to the road. That same feeling came back to me. It was an awesome feeling. I felt so small but still so happy to be alive to breathe in all this life.

It was more than chill. It was just remembering that I am alive.

So how about some "just a dude" tunes?

Dust in the Wind - Kansas
Blowin' in the Wind - Bob Dylan (preferred but the other one is cool too)

1 comment:

  1. Crazy person apologizes for any possible inconvenience caused and expresses gratitude to you for sticking around, despite said person's apparent hysteria.

    Also, please write some more! n_n
