Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Possible new future career paths and the realization of Rap's childhood dream

I'm considering shifting to Biology or Life Science/s. I came about this... consideration about a few days ago. After a very fun birdwalk with my molecular biology teacher, Ma'am Canlas, along with other nature related things such as trips to Ocean Park. I sort of rekindled that love of animals that I've always had. It's only now that I'm considering actually making that the main focus of my life. I have to admit though that maybe part of that courage for change came from my friend Deo's decision to shift out of Health Sciences. It was a bold move into the unknown. Totally unprecedented too. I took that as a sign that maybe this is the part of our lives where we change and grow and finally decide what we want to do with out lives. At least, that's what I thought until Deo decided to stay in our course and what courage I drew from him quickly evaporated into nothing. I was left thinking, "What where you thinking, Rap?!"

Right now I've managed to talk to several people about this. Mesh Maini, our zoology professor. Ma'am Canlas again. Tito Leo, a vet and the dad of an old friend of mine. Leo Liban, a friend with similar ideas. Sir Unsay, our chemistry professor and all around smart mofo. And Bea Chua, cool cat Korean-lover. I got some words of encouragement, some slightly less encouraging and some talk about ridiculous people. So here I am now. Writing my blog about making a big decision. Tito Leo told me that this is not that exciting a career. He gave me parts of the job that were the kind of things I would associate from boring desk jobs with little reward. Or maybe I was just imagining the worst. I dunno. What if I was just going for a spur of the moment thing? What if I could just stay in Health Sciences and take up further studies later on? How will I make any money from this? Is that even important? I don't even know.


Life decisions are a pain in the ass. They require lots of thinking and when one door is opened another one is closed. If I choose to be a biologist/naturalist I will never become an MD. Maybe that will be okay but given the tough times ahead I think that I will need the financial security. I hate always having to consider money.

I was rereading some of my blog posts. I found something about signatures. This is a lot like that. Only more important. How can I make a single defining decision for the rest of my life? Why can't I try lots of things and live a varied life? I feel like once I take care of this life work business, you're set for life then all that's left is following through and dying.

How will I even become a biologist if I don't know what it's about? How will this benefit the world? How can I make money from this? How can I love doing this? So many questions.

Is life anything like TV? Can I find all the awesome things I see on National Geographic or Discovery Channel in real life?

I should have asked these things years ago.

Hey, if you're reading this and you have some advice, I'd like to here it. If it's useful of course. Comment down below. I sound like a Youtube video.

1 comment:

  1. My advice would be for you to stay in Health Sci but do some research work with the Bio department. You can focus on Bio after you graduate. :) (This is really just Ma'am Terrado's advice, but I agree anyway.)
