Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blog#1 (1-1-11)

Today I decided to start a blog. I guess it has partly to do with the fact that I have never done something like this before. An entire decade has gone by in this millennium and I still live the same humdrum life of a potato. So here I am...blogging about the humdrum life of a potato...

The year just ended. Normally we have boring Christmases and New Year celebrations. This year however was different. Must have been my blossoming into my true self. (Hurray for self-esteem!) I'll start my How-2010-Ended-Story with my birthday...

On December 24, I officially became 19 years of age. I remember the moments before I turned 19 all I could do what hug myself try and savor 18 year old Rap as much as I could (I can read your thoughts you disgusting pervert). My facebook wall was already dotted with greetings here and there, and I was counting down the seconds to my 19th birthday. When the the clock struck 12 I got lots and lots of greetings. And that was "My 19th birthday" by Rap-rap Abacan of Grade 3 Lakandula. Sounds boring. Maybe it's because birthdays really are unspecial. They're just days like any other. You just happen to have completed one more orbit around the Sun. They do provide a nice time to reflect on the past. The people I've met. The fun times. The shit times. You realized how fast time flies. How soon you're going to die. How lucky you are to be alive and literate enough to make a shitty blog.*

Back to the story.

After a day of not really doing anything. My family and I had dinner at Manila Peninsula (That place in Makati where all the rich people go and where the military stormed in with a tank). Probably the fanciest place I've been to. The dinner was amazing. Turkey with cranberry sauce, hot gravy and stuffing. HAM with apple sauce. Lamb with red wine sauce. A 3-foot wide wheel of parmesan where they mix your Caesar salad in (that made it taste AWESOME). And endless CHERRIES. It was ridiculously amazing. As a result I had to hide my equally ridiculous belly by not breathing until we got to the car. That dinner was also when my family (actually just my mom) gave me my Christmas gift: a touchscreen phone. For those of you who know the kind of phone I've been using for over the past 2 or 3 years, you'll understand why I started to cry in front of everyone at Manila Pen... Just kidding. I did make this face though ---> :V

That did it for the night. It was a good day that day. I love birthdays.

Then came Christmas. I managed to figure out the basics of using my phone such as why it wouldn't work with my sim card (I didn't put it in yet (that's what she said (sigh))). Then my tito came and had lunch with us. We opened Christmas gifts. I still actually got a Christmas gift too! Yeahhhh... Big shift from the last Christmas...I got a little clip thing for notes.... The gift I got this year was a shot tic tac toe set. Which also made me go--- :V This will later play a crucial role in the subsequent awesomeness of my Christmas. Also, Toni got a brand new computer printer...which is now installed in my computer. GIFT STEAL HIGH FIVE!!! HAHAHA!!! sorry toni. not.

That night my cousins came over. Must have been almost half a year since I last saw them or spoke to them. What better way to bond than by getting blasted through shot tic tac toe. My rules made this game awesome. 1 shot for when you guys get a draw. 2 shots for when you lose. Simple, right? Earlier that day my mom told me the "rules" or the "proper way of playing". It's a race apparently. You put down the X's and O's and whoever goes last loses. THAT DID NOT MAKE SENSE. There were more X pieces than O pieces so X is always last. I told her that and she said, "Edi, you jack-en-poy to figure out who's first!" THEN THAT'S SHOT JACK-EN-POY!!! I tried playing by her rules just to humor her. Then my tito makes a line of his own pieces in the middle of the game and tells me I need to take a shot. Then I'm like, "What?!!? You guys said that's not how this works!" Then my mom agrees and tells me I need to take the shot. What the hell! That shit was bananas. Anyways, that night we played by my rules. And that night became awesome. Will not get into details. Here's the short version: got drunk. went to playground. went home. hugged grandma. slept in bathroom. slept on bed. Merry Christmas 2010.

goddamn. this blog entry became longer than i thought it would be.


I was kinda sad at the start of it because it wouldn't be like Christmas. I wouldn't be with my cousins or my other members of my extended family. That changed though when I remembered that tradition of playing Auld Lang Syne. I listened to it and I guess I got the whole point of the celebrations. It's the end of the year and time's always passing us buy. We have to make the most of it and just try to be happy with everyone else. Beautiful message. I never really bothered to get the lyrics and I sort of just got that from the vibe I was if it turns out to be about punching babies in the bad. We went to mass at 5:30 pm as part of our tradition. When my mom told us we would go, I said, "We're still going pala." She then said, "Atheist ka talaga." Awkward silence and walks away.... Haha. After that wonderful and captivating service nothing much happened again and I went online. Then I played CoD. Then I watched the hangover. Totally awesome by the way despite to ridiculous ending. Well, ridiculous everything. Awesome. Then the new year came. There was a countdown on ABS-CBN and at the exact moment of January 1st of 2011 I hit play on Auld Lang Syne. It was awesome. Fireworks all around. Our neighbors the Ibays went insane with their fireworks this year. I loved it. I seriously double rainbowed. It was awesome. All around my house you could see all these rich ass people lighting up expensive fireworks that did things I never saw fireworks do. And it wasn't ignite a feeling of completion or love or something lame like that. They really did whizz around and do crazy shit in the air. But yeah I'll admit it, the music and the fireworks closed 2010 well and paved the way for 2011 just as well.

So there. That was 2010. Now it's 2011 and I just started a blog. Something I thought only chicks and Jason Karaan do. Maybe it'll be awesome. Maybe it'll suck. But whatever happens this coming year... Inspirational last sentence.


 *This reminds me of a student my Filipino Prof was talking about. Apparently, a few years back, there was this student who submitted a reflection essay his experience of living in a poor community. On the paper, he talked about how happy he was that he wasn't poor or at least how lucky he felt that he didn't have to live like that. That created or reaffirmed that stereotype of Ateneans to be proud rich bastards. Personally, I don't blame the guy. It is shit to be poor. To think otherwise is stupid. I'll get back on this some other time if I feel like it.


  1. Bravo, Rapster. Looky, you've got two followers already :))

    You're off to a great start man!

  2. Good job, Rap-rap! I do hope you'll keep this wholesome! :)) Happy New Year! >:D<

  3. @aimee: Thanks Aims. I'll probably end it here too... :))

    @cheryl: wholesome my ass. happy new year. :)

  4. Ooooh, a blog. By Rap! Please do remember to capitalize the first letter of your sentences, nyahaha. Joke. :|

    Happy new year! :))

  5. hahaha parang ang gay >:) joke :))
    awesome blog! :D and url :|
