Saturday, January 22, 2011

Regular Blogging

Blogging is tedious work. You have to find interesting things to say and or find mundane ideas and bedazzle them to somehow make them entertaining. Keeping an online diary journal is pretty gay. (Even with the use of the word journal. I guess it's the use of the strikethrough.) Not as gay as video diaries though.

Best show ever.

At the risk of being gay however, I will recount on event that took place yesterday. Right before the math midterms Deo, Aimee, Jules and I were discussing the prospect of obtaining a condo unit and dividing the expenses among ourselves. I thought it was brilliant. Us guys just living the independent college life. Having ramen noodles every night. Watching the cars in Katipunan from the roofdeck (oh Christmas party...).  Whether we'd actually get any school work done though...

I wish college life was that cool. Where you leave your home and live away from your family. Live independently. Find yourself. Discover what you wanna do in life. College so far is like, high school with girl schoolmates and a lot of breaks. Maybe I should be working harder on the self-realization part. I remember a conversation I had with Leo Liban. He was talking about going on a journey of self-realization. If he was strict on the Honey and Clover (totally heterosexual reference) aspect of it, that would mean taking a bicycle and going on a journey with nothing but a backpack of clothes, spare change in your pocket and no maps or direction in mind. (Tch. Yeah right, Leo. HAHAHAHAHA.)

Also, thanks to my new phone I can post pics of recent events.

Arthur, Jules and myself

Us during the first sem

Toni before ACET results...

...Toni after ACET results.

To my sister, it's totally fine that you failed. There are other schools out there. :)

Kidding. She passed.

My room in panoramic view.

The block in panoramic view. (Mico's Spider-man)

The End.


  1. I agree…it's a totally heterosexual reference. :))

  2. I don't get the reference. :|

    Another job well done, Rap Abacan.

  3. @Andy: Right.

    @Aimee: It's a mundane post. No biggie. Thanks though. :))
