Saturday, November 12, 2011

11:11 is too fucking GHAY, Condos and Moonleaf politics (lots of other stuff too)

So yesterday was 11/11/11. Eh. Big deal.

It was a nice day though. Ask Aimee. That post wasn't really about 11/11. It was about today. Which sort of defeats the purpose of blogging about today. I'll do it anyway. (My blog is better)

To start my day off, I totally missed NSTP. Fucking great. This was the re-orientation day where we needed to be reintroduced to the rules of NSTP just in case we forgot them already. I set my alarm for 6:30 am and ended up waking up at 9:27 am. Whatever. NSTP can suck it. If you guys are unfamiliar, it means that you wake up early on Saturdays just to do some sort of health education thing for kids at Bagong Silang. I can appreciate the potential for something really good. I just don't think we are doing it the best way that we can. Teaching these kids about really basic stuff (such as washing your hands or covering your mouth after sneezing) isn't going to do much unless we continually drill these ideas into their little fucking minds. The parents aren't very helpful either. Always littering all over the fucking place. It would be cool to teach the parents too but according to previous batches, they never listen. So that's NSTP for you. Maybe that's the point, to get us all mad at its inefficiency so that we get to do more after we graduate.

Later on today though, I talked to my bio lab teacher Sir Mesh about his thoughts on organics. A little surprisingly, he was for it. I guess I was surprised because I was already so biased towards organics being a bad thing. I believe that going backwards to old school farming techniques will be the downfall of man. However, I could be wrong. I'll talk to him about it some more next time. Maybe blog about it. Or rage about it. Especially in ES class. Shit. Fuuuhuuucking ES class. We're required to take an ES class for my course. So far. It's fucking bananas. How general is ES class. Based on the syllabus and the introduction given in class, a lot of it is about the problems and damage people are doing to the planet. It seems like nothing new. Sort of like all the shit you get from doomsayers about global warming or pollution or plastic. It's not that I don't believe that those things could be problems I just hate that people eat it all up anyway without really researching and looking at the problem from all angles. I hope ES class will do this for us. I hope it will present these issues and allow us to consider and analyze them in ways that mainstream media does not want us to do.

Back to the stuff for the day, I went with Aimee to check out a potential condo type living situation at Berkley. I waited by Savemore and I couldn't help thinking about how fucking evil SM is. The want to control EVERYTHING. Our Filipino teacher, the legendary Alvin Yapan, talking about how SM is trying to PENETRATE (I mean this in the harshest and most sexual way possible) the Philippine film industry. According to him, they're planning to produce films in spite of their current role as distributors. This creates the opportunity for SM to monopolize the audiences that go into their malls. They want their movies to be the ONLY MOVIES YOU WATCH. The implications are staggering. His hope is that the Aquino administration has the balls to put a stop to this potential threat to Filipino films. America made it illegal for distributors to be producers. Hopefully we can do the same.

Gah. More sidetrackedness.

So. We went into the lobby and sat down on the world's most comfortable sofa. Really soft. It was also nice and cool inside. Smelled really clean (AND EVIL). So then we met the guy and he showed us the unit. It looked smaller than the one that the Berkley guys were showing us. It was also incredibly hot in there. The sun was facing the room during the hottest part of the day. If you use this room, you need a real good aircon to go with it. It is like a greenhouse in there without it. If you keep any pets in there, they will DIE from heatstroke unless you leave the aircon on. Even then, I think the room might still be hot. I wouldn't take it. Or maybe I'm just thinking that cause there weren't any curtains to keep out the sun. Might be cooler then.

Next part of the day.

We went to mindmovers. Bought cell biology books. There.

Then we got milk tea at Moonleaf. I ordered a (fine, it's delicious...) Caramel Milk Tea. Then Aimee and I sat down in front of the freedom wall that was full of Post-It's. A lot of them were GHAYYY. Like high schooler noobs going "Wanted: Prom Date ;))". GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH. FUCK YOU NOOB!!! I don't get it. Why the fuck would people draw sideways emoticons when they are not bound by the symbols on the keys that are available to them?! Holy shit. Stupid shit. None of the posts were very clever or anything. Just stupid shit like "Something something was here. 11:11" Fuuuuhuuuuuuuuuck meeeeeeeeee. That is why I got so absorbed in my posting of shit I was raging about. Lots of those things went like "SM is an evil corporation!" or "Legalize gay marriage!" However, I didn't go all buttfuck rebel on them. I did next level up Aimee's long cat.

pre-leveled up

leveled up
I did also make a few more...

Both of them were mine.

I hope you can see the humor in this. :D
So that was most of my day. I bought some Ilocos Empanada for my mom and grandma on the way home. On which, I triked and walked.

Here's a some photos you may have missed.

Check out the size of the river beside the house near mine. Shot during Pedring.

Made a candle out of water, vegetable oil and  paper towel.

Aimee with a butterfly at Ilocos.

Me with a parrot and a lame pirate gimmick.

Aimee with a parrot. n_n

A sketch of Jules' face.

A shrimp we dissected and sketched.

The soap I made for Chem. Packaging designed by me.

1 comment:

  1. You raging about things + memes + narrations involving girlfriend = awesomeness
