Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trivia Contest and ES has a secret political agenda

Muscle pains all day from weights the day before. Felt awesome.

So this happened today.

Failed to find a link to the Jacobian Cup.

What is the Jacobian Cup? It's a trivia contest that the Ateneo Math Society holds every year as part of its efforts to externalize. Or something. Aimee and I joined and went up against something like 23 teams. We totally made it to the top 10 of the first round. Got eliminated at the second round though. Oh well. It was fun though applying some trivial facts that I thought would be useless. Although, so many religious questions. -___- It wasn't only me that noticed too. Not a single animal trivia question. Bastards.

Also, ES has a political agenda and my teacher knows little about science. At least that's what I'm thinking so far. We took up topics like the energy cycle and for some reason she spend about 5 slides worth of explanation on the same exact thing. I get it animals only take in 10 percent of what the previous animal ate. -___- Also, all the little bits of environmental news my teacher loves to share is bad news. Climate change. Overpopulation. Desert sand going into the Carribean Sea. I am learning nothing new. -__- Why is ES only about bad shit that happens? Gah. I'm probably getting ahead of myself. MAYBE it'll get better... -___- right.

Also, I have to report on cons of the RH bill and report on the impacts of nuclear energy. -___________- fuck. that. shit. bro. Why couldn't she pick the one about the Butaan lizard?! That's mega interesting!!! BIODIVERSITY!!! -___________________- Totally fits within the context of ES!!! GAH. Maybe it has too much non-doomsday related stuff... -___-

Maybe it'll get better. -_-

Anyway, here's the Earth. Enjoy. It's not going away anytime soon. At least not because of man.

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